Brad, Jenn, Brooke and Sommer Davis

Brad, Jenn, Brooke and Sommer Davis

Monday, October 11, 2010

Life has been so busy...

It's amazing how busy we've been...recently, I looked at the calendar to find we are well into October. OCTOBER! I cannot believe it. October has always been one of my favorite mornings, sunny afternoons, less humidity (ie. good hair days), another birthday...
We had a crazy summer. The kind of summer that seemed like it was a year long. We did A LOT. Maybe that is why October snuck up on me...we were so busy with all that summer had to offer, I just kept thinking it was still summer (Texas tends to fool you like that). Turns out, NO; it's fall, and I have nothing done. No fall decorations, no new fall clothes, no candy for trick or treaters, no plans on the calendar... I really need to get with it!
Luckily, Brooke has a few fall outfits from last year, to hold her till I get some shopping done. I suppose decorating for fall is not a must, I will just double up at Christmas. I can always buy candy at the last minute...or give out alternative treats (hmmm, how about outgrown diapers?...pacifiers?...outlet covers?). As for plans, it's kind of nice not having any. Lazy Sundays are a welcome change.

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